Wax warmers are a lovely alternative to candles. Instead of lighting a wick with an actual flame, you can put scented wax into a chamber warmed by an electric coil. The wax melts, and the scent moves through the room. The risks are much lower with a wax warmer than with candles since there is no open flame. However, there can be a bit of a learning period when you first start using wax warmers.

Here are some tips to help you out.

Select the right wax shape for your warmer

Some wax warmers have round chambers, and others have square or rectangular chambers. Check what shape chamber yours has, and buy wax melts that fit inside the chamber. This way, you are less likely to get wax spillage over the edge of your warmer, and you won't have to break your wax apart prior to melting.

Keep the warmer away from kids and pets

Your wax warmer is very unlikely to start a fire, but the hot wax could burn someone or ruin your furniture. So, the best place for your wax warmer is usually way up high on a shelf that's hard to reach. If you have cats, make sure they can't jump up on that shelf! Make sure your kids are advised not to touch or go near your melting wax, either.

Plan on a long melting time

It can take the wax a little while to melt completely, and it won't fully spread its scent until it does. So, you'll want to leave the warmer on for a significant amount of time — often an hour or so — after the wax is melted. Plan for this, and only turn the warmer on if you have enough time to really let it sit and permeate.

Mix waxes if you prefer

This tip is mostly to help you have even more fun with your wax warmer. Feel free to mix and match the scents to create your own. Maybe you want to put a caramel and an apple wax melt together and release a caramel apple scent. Or perhaps you want to melt a cherry and a vanilla wax melt together, creating a lovely cherry vanilla scent. 

With the tips above, you can have a better, safer, and more enjoyable time using wax warmers. There are a lot of great warmers on the market, so buy one that appeals to you.
